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Best Organizing Blogs

Jun 2021

Feeling Stuck With Your Closet Organization Plan? Follow These Tips!

By |June 1st, 2021|Blog|1 Comment

If you’ve been struggling with your closet organization plan, this blog series will be just what you need! Maybe you’ve looked on Pinterest for inspiration. Or you’ve been to The Container Store for products but aren’t sure what will fit best in your closet. Everyone’s closet is a different size and shape and everyone has different needs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for closets, so thinking through some things prior to starting will help you get just the closet that you need.

Before you worry about starting to purge and organize your clothes, let’s take a look at your closet layout first. Planning the layout will help you make the most of your space.

Assess Your Space

The first step in your planning should be to decide if you are going to use your existing closet or remove it and start from scratch. Think through the factors that will affect your plans. Do […]

Apr 2021

How To Recycle Practically Anything Just In Time For Earth Day

By |April 6th, 2021|Blog|1 Comment

Since Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd, you might be thinking about what items you have that can be recycled or repurposed. Landfills are filling up fast and cause damage to our air and soil, so it’s important to be responsible with how you get rid of items you no longer need or use. However, it’s hard to know the right way to handle your recyclables. I come across people all the time who are holding on to things because they don’t know how to properly dispose of them.

Here you will find part one of a two-part blog post that will provide you with the necessary resources so you can get these unwanted items to the right place. Over the years, I have created a list that I use to recycle anything that my clients might be holding on to.  This list is alphabetized to make it […]

Mar 2021

10 Life Hacks That Will Help You Feel More Organized

By |March 3rd, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

When you have a million things to do and remember between home, work, family, and everything else, it’s easy to feel like life is a mess. Especially when your home doubles as your office and your kid’s school. The great thing is that there are so many life hacks that will help you feel more organized and in control. Life can be crazy so any little thing that can help you stay on top of things is helpful! Here are a few of my favorite life hacks that will help you remember, save a little time, and get things done.

Create a Launchpad

Chances are that you’ve left something at home before that you needed for work, running errands, or taking your kids to school. You can make getting out of the house easier by gathering what you need for the following day in one place. Choose a spot in your home […]

Feb 2021

How To Create More Storage Space In Your Home

By |February 2nd, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

One thing I hear frequently from clients is that they need more storage space in their home. I see so many common areas in homes that are almost always underutilized when it comes to storage and functionality. There are a ton of ways to create more storage space even when you think you don’t have any! I have some great tips to help you add more storage and organize these underutilized areas of your home.

To create more storage in your kitchen:

  • If the side of your refrigerator is exposed you likely can create a lot of storage out of this underutilized spot.  Add magnetic organizers to hold papers and mail that tends to accumulate on kitchen counters, as well as pens, coupons, and other items that you access often.
  • When you are short on kitchen cabinet space, use a […]
Jan 2021

How To Be More Effective With a To-Do List

By |January 6th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

The start of a new year likely has you thinking about all the things you want to do in the coming weeks and months. Many of us set goals or resolutions for the year and sometimes have a hard time reaching them. A key component that you may be missing is an effective to-do list. You might think that you’ll remember the tasks you thought of on January 1st, but by the time February rolls around, you’ll have a hard time recalling them. This is simply because our brains are not meant to store unlimited information. They are meant to process information which is why having a to-do list is key. Setting up an effective to-do list will allow your brain to think more creatively and do deep work. I’ll explain some of my favorite ways to help set up a system that will keep you productive and ensure […]

Jun 2020

11 Must Have Apps for your Phone or Tablet

By |June 8th, 2020|Blog|1 Comment

I have a confession to make. I’m kind of obsessed with knowing what apps people have downloaded on their mobile devices. Whenever I happen to see someone’s home screen, I tend to glance a bit longer than I should trying to figure out if they have some new app I’m not yet aware of. There are over 2.56 million apps in the Google Play store and over 2.2 million in the Apple App Store all vying for our attention, yet it’s impossible to know about all of them. I’ve researched and tried out tons of apps over the years to help myself and my clients improve productivity, communicate more efficiently, and solve nagging problems. We’re all familiar with popular apps like Google Maps, Facebook, and Instagram but there are tons of lesser-known apps that you should know about. I’ve compiled a list of 11 must-have apps below with the hopes […]

May 2020

How to Get Motivated During Stressful Times

By |May 5th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

You may have read a short article recently that has gone viral comparing the current COVID-19 pandemic to a storm. In the article it states, ” We are all on different ships during this storm experiencing a very different journey.” I thought that comparison was profound and one that rings true. Although we are “in this together” it is hard to truly understand what our friends, neighbors, co-workers, or acquaintances are going through during this unprecedented time. One thing I believe to be true is that we all are feeling an increased level of stress, and in turn, we are likely feeling less motivated to accomplish our goals.

Motivation is defined as the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. In some cases, stress can actually motivate you to get something done. For example, if you are feeling stressed due to an important presentation at work you will likely […]

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